This Runner

Hello blogging world! After countless hours spent ready all the running, healthy living and foodie blogs out there I decided to finally bite the bullet and start my own blog!

My name is Nicole and I'm a 20-something (almost 30-something but who's counting really????) lawyer living in South Carolina. I started "running" about 3 years ago and I decided to get serious and train for a half marathon...well sort of serious. As SkinnyRunner would say I'm really more of a jogger...who calls herself a runner. I'm not terribly fast but I'm not moving at a snails pace either. I like to cook and I LOVE to eat. I may have a glass (or bottle) or red wine here and there. I also love to read...nerdy I know but I do!

I am married to my best friend (and hes pretty cute too) Eric...who may be referred to as The Husband, The Hubby, The Hubs, my running partner (but not very often because he is WAY faster than me) or Hottie McHotterson. (OK...OK...I probably won't actually call him that but still...) Hottie Mc....just kidding, The Husband is an engineer (or as I like to call it, enginerd) who also sometimes enjoys running. He ran his first half marathon on 8/1/10 in under 2 hours! We are both born and raised in the Midwest and we moved to the South together in 2006.

We have an adorable sweet perfect little baby puppy Shih Tzu-Poodle mix named Elle. Yes she is named after Elle Woods...yes I love Legally Blonde...yes I wish the outfits I wore to my law job were as cute as hers... She is actually nowhere near perfect but she is sweet as can be and I think she may actually love us as much as we love her as evidenced by the ridiculous amount of kisses she gives us every time we walk in the door. However, visitors beware, she has been known to attempt to lick a person's mouth, ear, nostril, etc... You have been warned!

We just moved into a big new house that we hope to someday (soon?) fill with little versions of ourselves. Until that day comes we spend our days working and our nights watching terrible reality TV (hello Jersey Shore!) drinking the occasional red wine and every once in awhile...hitting the pavement.